
Showing posts from June, 2022

The (Literal) Seduction of the Masses

 The (Literal) Seduction of the Masses For Aldous Huxley and David Bowie How, exactly, does a radical party not only gain control over a country but command the admiration and adoration of large amounts of the public? This is a question that has been asked many times by historians, especially with regards to the rise of the Nazis. But I would like to approach the appeal of the Nazis to many Germans (and some Western Europeans more broadly) in a way I believe has been ignored. I would like to show the way that the Nazis used sex appeal and the promise of sexual pleasure as a way of encouraging compliance. This argument may seem absurd, but I would encourage the reader to keep an open mind. For any readers who think my argument is a pointlessly contrarian attempt at shock, I have provided a bibliography to prove the validity of my assertions.  It’s important to realize that the Nazis were no traditionalists. They fully embraced modernity - a perverse modernity, to be sure, but m...