One Hundredth Armistice Day This is the first serious post I've made on this blog. Today is November Eleventh, Two Thousand Eighteen. It is the one hundredth anniversary of the end of World War One. World War One was a truly pointless war. It was fought over nothing, accomplished nothing, and left millions dead, wounded, or broken. After World War One, the poppies that grew in the fields where the war was fought on the Western Front came to be embraced as a symbol of mourning for the soldiers. The beautiful red poppies grew in spite of the warfare, and flourished in the middle of the fighting. Because of this, they came to be used as a symbol of remembrance. As time passed, the meaning of the red poppy expanded to represent the remembrance of those killed, wounded, or traumatized in any and all modern wars. Today, I want to post some images of poppy fields as something to meditate on. When you look at them, remember those who fought and were killed, wounded or traumatized in ...